My Glimmer Of Hope

After more pain and tears, my Doctor was about to pass the smallest size catheter possible through my cervix. He double checked with an ultrasound and was happily surprised, so was I! I go back Monday morning for local anesthesia and to be dilated in the hopes of performing the HSG test in the afternoon. 

Sunday night I'm supposed to start misoprostol...I've taken that pill before. It's the same pill I took for my missed miscarriage, that also DIDN'T work. Just hearing the name of the medicine took me immediately back and opened up some old wounds. I realize now that I'm still not healed from our loss. I've been so focused on TTC and moving forward with my life I haven't really confronted my feelings. 

Finally getting good news like today helps. Moving forward my only option is IUI, but at least I know that now. Unfortunately this last round of clomid doesn't look like it was successful. I only had two small follicles growing and no sign of any eggs. He thinks the medicine just isn't strong enough, so hopefully Gonal-F will work next month. He's still going to monitor me just in case. 

The journey continues on Monday...