Injectables Arrived

Christmas came early!

Waiting on our front porch was a box I've been waiting for all week; Gonal-F and Ovidrel.

Now for my IVF sisters, I understand this doesn't look like alot. 
I know you ladies have WAY more medications and scary looking needles, so I'm trying not to complain. 

This little pen doesn't look too bad, right?! 

This guy is freaking me out just a bit. 

I thought, why not class up the new med shelf with a bottle of champagne. 

Our appointment with the RE is on Monday. I'm excited for him to lay out a game plan. It doesn't look like AF will grace me with her presence. That bitch never comes through for me, but oh well, I don't need her to start injections. 

Even though the Gonal-F pen doesn't look too scary, I'm still freaking out. I understand this is a mental game and I just hope I'm strong enough. Thankfully Tony will be injecting me. I've become a pro at giving blood and haven't fainted since our first appointment, however something tells me this process may be challenging.