Steps to Track Your BBT:
- Go buy a basal thermometer, I got mine for under $10 at Walmart
- Start the day of your period, or in my case just pick any day
- Take your temperature every morning at the same time BEFORE you get up and go to the bathroom
- Use an app like Fertility Friend to track your temperatures
- If you have a "normal" cycle you'll start to see a pattern
- If you see an increase in your temperature, over your cover-line, that means you ovulated
- The more months you track your BBT, the more data you have on your body and then you can bring that information with you the next time you see your Doctor
Happy Temping!
Oh and if you're confused looking at my chart, it's ok, so am I. As I mentioned above I just picked a random day to start tempting since I haven't had a period in months. My RE decided I should start taking Clomid Friday the 18th however as you can see from my temps, I didn't ovulate from the Clomid and also my ultrasound showed no follie growth. Currently I'm in pursuit of a period to start my second round of Clomid.