D&C Surgery Timeline
1 Week After:
1 Week After:
Physically - Slight cramping and bleeding
Mentally - I had a really hard time. Once the surgery was over, I could feel my hormone levels dropping every day. The crying became less and less and the nerves kicked in. I was looking forward to getting pregnant again but scared I would miscarry.
2 Weeks After:
Physically - I had my follow-up and the Doctor said everything looked good and I could begin working out again. He also prescribed Pregnitude for my next pregnancy. Pregnitude is a dietary supplement for women that helps support ovulatory function, menstrual cyclicity and quality of eggs. Hopefully it helps my "quality" of eggs, whatever that means!
Mentally - I feel like myself again and I can't wait to start the next chapter of our journey.

Physically - My body is back to the way it was before. It's crazy to think I was only pregnant for 9 weeks and it took a full 4 weeks to lose the little pouch that began to grow. I can't imagine being pregnant for 9 months! I'm still waiting for my period to return but I'm told it could take up to 6 weeks.
Mentally - I'm still angry that I lost our baby and I still wonder, why did this happen to me? However I realize this is my journey. I can't change the past but I need to stop fighting it.
6 Weeks After:
Physically - Still waiting for my period to return and feeling no signs of it happening anytime soon.
Mentally - The stress and anxiety is starting to get to me. The normal "6 week wait" for your period has come and gone and here I am with nothing. I try to relax but with every passing day the stress gets worse and worse.
8 Weeks After:
Physically - I've been experiencing major cramps and bloating for the past week, but still no period. Sometimes the pain is so bad I have to lay down. I've probably gone through an entire bottle of Advil.
Mentally - A hot mess! The stress has taken over my life. I finally called the Doctor for a follow-up visit. I find myself stressing out about NOT stressing out. Is that even possible?
Mentally - I had a really hard time. Once the surgery was over, I could feel my hormone levels dropping every day. The crying became less and less and the nerves kicked in. I was looking forward to getting pregnant again but scared I would miscarry.
2 Weeks After:
Physically - I had my follow-up and the Doctor said everything looked good and I could begin working out again. He also prescribed Pregnitude for my next pregnancy. Pregnitude is a dietary supplement for women that helps support ovulatory function, menstrual cyclicity and quality of eggs. Hopefully it helps my "quality" of eggs, whatever that means!
Mentally - I feel like myself again and I can't wait to start the next chapter of our journey.
4 Weeks After:
Physically - My body is back to the way it was before. It's crazy to think I was only pregnant for 9 weeks and it took a full 4 weeks to lose the little pouch that began to grow. I can't imagine being pregnant for 9 months! I'm still waiting for my period to return but I'm told it could take up to 6 weeks.
Mentally - I'm still angry that I lost our baby and I still wonder, why did this happen to me? However I realize this is my journey. I can't change the past but I need to stop fighting it.
6 Weeks After:
Physically - Still waiting for my period to return and feeling no signs of it happening anytime soon.
Mentally - The stress and anxiety is starting to get to me. The normal "6 week wait" for your period has come and gone and here I am with nothing. I try to relax but with every passing day the stress gets worse and worse.
8 Weeks After:
Physically - I've been experiencing major cramps and bloating for the past week, but still no period. Sometimes the pain is so bad I have to lay down. I've probably gone through an entire bottle of Advil.
Mentally - A hot mess! The stress has taken over my life. I finally called the Doctor for a follow-up visit. I find myself stressing out about NOT stressing out. Is that even possible?