Next Steps:
- We're out of pocket, so continue saving as much money as possible to hopefully start IVF in February/March.
- Start birth control once I get my period (if no period, which may happen, go back next Monday for monitoring.
Medications IVF #2:
- 225 Follistim
- 75 Menopur - started here last time but was increased to 150. This time she wants to keep at 75 (since my estrogen grew to over 5,000 and I had so many follicles "pop up" at the very end) and just increase the number of days. I'm not looking forward to stimming/shooting up 12+ days.
- Ganirelix - introduced to the protocol earlier
- HCG Trigger
- Prenatal
- Vitamin D
- Vitamin A
- Cinnamon
- Acupuncture
- Gym/Walk - at least 5 days a week
- No Dairy - hard to believe it's been almost a year since going dairy free for PCOS
- Low/Reduced Processed Foods, Sugars, Carbs - this is where I need help, especially around the holidays. I can't drive myself crazy though, moderation is key.
- My computer password expired last Monday so naturally I made my new one nevergiveup and I mean it.
- Ask for Help - here's the part of this post where I'm a little uncomfortable asking, but if anyone has any leftover meds (follistim, menopur, ganirelix) I would be forever indebted to you!